Major Sponsor
Contact Us
- Logo appears at bottom of every page of website
- Ad placement in all YouTube and podcast releases
- Logo appears consistently on all social media platforms
- Logo appears at bottom of all stories
- Social media mentions every month
- Co-branded social media campaign (giveaways)
- Email blast recognition to announce sponsorship
Power Ratings Title Sponsor
Contact Us
- Company name mentioned with weekly ratings release
- Top leaderboard ad and square ad space on Power Ratings page
- Logo prominently placed on Power Ratings weekly email
- Social media mentions every month
- Co-branded social media campaign (giveaways)
- Email blast recognition to announce sponsorship
Regional Sponsor
Contact Us
- Top leaderboard ad for every page in the region
- Social media mention twice a year
- Co-branded social media campaign (giveaways)
- Email blast recognition to announce sponsorship
Team Sponsor
Contact Us
- Square ad space for school of choice
- Social media mention to announce sponsorship