Wrestling Championship Photos Welcome to our LHSAA Wrestling Championship Photography page! Please choose from one of the following photographers below by clicking on a logo to browse and select your pictures. Day 1 - Mats 4, 5 & 6 Day 2 - Semifinal/Consolation Mats 4, 5, & 6 Day 2 - DIV 1 Finals - Mat 1 Day 2 - All-Academic Day 2 - Referees Day 2 - DIV 1 Awards Day 1 - Mats 1, 2 & 3 Day Two Semifinals & Consolations Mat 3 Day 1 - Mats 7, 8, 9 & 10 Day 2 - DIII Session 1 on Mats 7 & 8 Day 2 - DIII Session 2 on Mat 3 Day 2 - DIII Awards Day 2 - Division 2 Finals - Mat 2 Day 2 - Division II Awards