High School Softball Teams Encouraged To Participate In Autism Awareness Week Challenge
LAKE CHARLES – What started out as a discussion between a group of high school softball teams about what could be done to bring awareness to certain causes quickly turned into a statewide commitment.
Representatives from the Lutcher and Ponchatoula softball programs asked other teams across the state if they would be interested in taking part to support and help raise awareness for a cause.
Those teams did not ponder for long. The decision was unanimous.
Autism Awareness month is widely observed each year in April in a nationwide effort to promote autism awareness and assure that all affected by autism are able to achieve the highest quality of life possible.
During the week of March 29 through April 3, Louisiana high school softball teams are encouraged to take part in the Autism Awareness Challenge by using a fundraiser to help raise money for local causes or by using their uniforms to promote awareness with the puzzle piece pattern.
“The opportunity to highlight and bring awareness to Autism Spectrum Disorder is something that means a lot to us,” said Ponchatoula softball coach Jeremy Harper. “Our softball program looks to find a way to do more than focus on wins and losses and this is one way we want to do that this season.
Harper, who helped to organize the Softball Autism Awareness Challenge, wants to encourage his team to take part in causes like this each season. They also wear puzzle piece pattern uniforms as well as make donations to local charities.
“ASD is something so many families have experience with and we, as high school softball programs, want to highlight their victories and celebrate how they win every day.” said Harper.
The commitment to take part in this challenge proves that these players, their coaches, parents and fans reinforces the notion that those affected by autism are not in the fight alone.
High school softball teams who would like to participate are encouraged to take pictures and post them on social media as well as email them to hbower@geauxpreps.com.
Below are a few links for materials and supplies that teams may use for their games:
Autism Awareness Puzzle Printed Hair Ribbon
Please consider making a donation to these causes: